Opening a business or expanding into a new market is a huge undertaking involving unavoidable risks. Meticulous research and careful planning are the keys to success, along with a lot of hard work and a big old slice of good fortune. One thing is certain.
The market you choose to operate in will make or break your business.
But where do you find up-to-date, reliable, actionable market data and insights?
Shared-Use Kitchen Industry Report by The Food Corridor
Shared-Use Kitchen Industry Report
You might feel totally overwhelmed with the volume of advice being shoved down your throat. Or feel like you can’t trust the source, if they have a vested interest, or the data is inconsistent.
In the fast-moving and regionally siloed world of shared kitchens in the US, it can be difficult to find complete, reliable information about the industry as a whole.
The Food Corridor is a convener of the shared-use kitchen industry and collects data on the most recent trends from a neutral perspective. The Food Corridor’s marketplace product, The Kitchen Door, is the number one free search tool for shared-use kitchens in the US.
We are in the unique position of having access to an active nationwide community of shared kitchen owners and food entrepreneurs, as well as data on where and for what potential tenants are searching via The Kitchen Door.
With data coming in from both sides, we are able to pull together proprietary information and exclusive insights to give an accurate map of supply and demand trends, as well as pricing by region, business entity, space type, and peak times. We are immersed in the shared kitchen world, which makes us uniquely positioned to draw conclusions and offer recommendations based on this information.
What we’ve been hearing from our community is that they want answers to some big questions:
- Where should I build a kitchen?
- Which area should I expand into?
- How do rates compare nationally
This report provides exclusive insights into the latest market trends for shared-use kitchens, summarizing the available proprietary information from The Food Corridor and The Kitchen Door.

It provides the most comprehensive market insights available, pulling data from March 2019 to March 2020 to help you answer those all-important questions.
If you are opening up a new shared kitchen, expanding into a new area, or just exploring the shared-kitchen industry, this report is your trusted source of information and data as you make business-critical decisions.
The early bird price is currently only $199. A fraction of the potential additional revenue you will see by making the right decisions on how to move forward with your business.
Shared-Use Kitchen Industry Report by The Food Corridor
Shared-Use Kitchen Industry Report
Can’t wait to get reading and make the most of your shared kitchen business? Don’t worry, you can get access right now.
If you need the most recent information giving you an exclusive look into where the biggest opportunities lie, as well as industry-leading recommendations, supported by raw data, from a neutral source – grab your copy today.